Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Vegas, Orlando, Miami, Phoenix, New Orleans

These are the cities I've done most conferences in, in order of frequency with more visits to Vegas than I can possibly count.

It’s inevitable that I get approached with a question like, “Why don’t you have these events in Charlotte?” says an attendee from a Charlotte-based company that offers financial services.  Or I’ll get asked the same thing, but instead of Charlotte, it’ll be Delaware.  And then it’ll be Cincinnati or Minneapolis. 

I live in NYC, so I wouldn't complain if all our conferences took place within easy commuting distance of where I lived.  The first time this happened, I was actually excited to go home after an evening networking reception and do a load of laundry.  Can’t do that on the road. 

But when it comes to conference surveys, it’s Vegas that routinely comes out on top as the preferred destination.  It’s easy to fly into from most major US cities, the airfares are reasonable, the accommodations are ample and also affordable, and there are a gazillion things you can do—shows, dinner, spas, golf, completely losing track of time in the casino until it’s time for that 8 AM session that starts in 10 min. 

So, for all of those who are bemoaning yet another conference in Vegas, know that most of the people in the meeting room around you love that it’s in Vegas, and some have told me, “Vegas?!  Sign me up!” 

I would suggest that these are the people who will show you the way to fun in Vegas, so maybe hang out with them.  That’s good networking.

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